SWII 2020 focused on Big Data, IoT, AI & XR, and matched the R&D heaviest Swiss & Swedish MNEs, SMEs & academia with the goal to launch joint market-oriented R&D projects.
Subtopics within Big Data, IoT, AI & XR that are of interest for joint innovation projects are:
Annotation of data
Data analytics
Multiparty computation
Data preparation - transition of raw data source inputs into prepared outputs
Computation, compression, interpretation and management of large data sets generated by sensors, detectors or control systems of manufacturing and measurement systems
Automated machine learning for preparing, building, deploying, monitoring, and maintaining AI applications
Big Data analytics in the context of IoT
Data storage
Data pre-processing tools for:
Data cleansing and validation
Limited data: handling and adversarial generation
Satellite and GIS data collection and processing
Data security
Deep learning
Speech recognition
Natural language processing
Natural language generation
AI solutions in the context of IoT
Sensor fusion
Navigation tech
Data collection, data management, data cleansing
Low power wireless communication systems
Real time communications
IoT power optimization
Data architecture optimization
Partitioning of processes (e.g. Neural Networks partition between IoT device and cloud)
Communication across distributed partitions
Automated data analytics and cleansing
Knowledge extraction from unstructured documents
Edge machine learning
Machine learning for:
Pattern recognition
AI for
Computer vision
Smart sensors for e.g. manufacturing processes
New types of sensors (low cost, high speed, high sensitivity, high accuracy and precision)
Sensors for monitoring
Combi sensors
Wireless sensors for harsh environments
Sensors built in the material
RFID, NFC tag or sensor
Intelligent machine control systems
Integration of different machines and process steps into highly automated and intelligent production lines
Embedded software for smart sensors
Embedded machine learning
Supply chain visibility, monitoring and control
Fabrication processes to add and integrate sensors/sensing capabilities into products
Secure remote connections in critical applications
Secure Data gathering and exchange in critical applications
Connected machine security
End-to-end privacy and security
Lightweight security
Embedded security and privacy for flexible distributed communication platforms
Dynamic/revocable right allocation for loosely connected systems
Secure and privacy preserving computation (homomorphic encryption, multiparty computation)
Safe autonomous or remotely operated robotics
Automatic review of contract
Cyber security solutions for transport services
AI based solutions to detect cyber attacks
VR / XR / AR
Visualization of complex information, complex data sets
Visualization of large amounts of data
3D farming
Collaboration environments with VR and AR applications
Industrial service context and maintenance purpose
Optical components (free space optics, micro lenses, diffractive optical elements
AR for training/instruction purposes
VR/AR for field service
VR/AR for driver support
Maintenance XR
Remote inspection using corporate / central experts
VR / AR in training and engineering
3D glasses
Autonomous robots
Collaborative robots
Micro Robots
Cleaning robots
Contact person:
Ms. Viktoria Pletikos, Senior Consultant,
Business Sweden Switzerland
Direct phone: +43 660 215 77 10
E-Mail: viktoria.pletikos@business-sweden.se