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Thank you for a successful Additive Manufacturing Networking Conference!

SWII Additive Manufacturing Networking conference gathered 130 participants from Switzerland and Sweden at EPFL in Neuchatel on September 28, 2017.
  • 165 one-to-one meetings were carried out on the afternoon of the conference
  • Among participants
    • 26 SMEs from Switzerland & Sweden
    • 17 MNEs like Höganäs, Atlas Copco, Sandvik, GE, MAN, ABB & Siemens
    • Key notes from Academia like Chalmers, Empa & Inspire

Following sub topics within Additive Manufacturing were prioritised:

1. Metal powder development for additive manufacturing
- Powder manufacturing alloys, materials characterization, standardization

2. Pre-process, process and post process development
- Design and tooling, tailored microstructures, process/quality control, post processing

3. Geometry and design optimization
- Density, structure and surface texture, design methods including rules, standards, software support, sustainable design, and software design for integration into current production lines

WHEN: 28 September, 2017

WHERE: EPFL Microcity, Rue de la Maladiere 71b, Neuchâtel, Switzerland


Contact person:
Ms. Viktoria Pletikos, Senior Consultant,
Business Sweden Switzerland

Direct phone: +43 660 215 77 10
E-Mail: viktoria.pletikos@business-sweden.se