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September (TBC) 2025,
Innovation Initiative 

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SWII 2023 I Additive Manufacturing & Lightweight Technologies

Additive Manufacturing is transforming industries and societies and enable creation of a more sustainable future. In order to utilize the full potential of additive manufacturing, international co-creation in a multi helix is required.

Now, Sweden, Switzerland, Germany and Austria aim to accelerate their position as Europe’s leading AM competence hubs and therefore, team up for larger consortia for transformation and implementation of AM in Europe.

Join global innovation leaders and their most R&D intensive multinational enterprises, innovative SME:s and start ups and the best-in-class academia in the co-creation of new top notch industrial partnerships with co-funding available from EUREKA/Eurostars.

WHEN: September 20, 2023
WHERE: Empa, Dübendorf, Switzerland

Swedish small and medium size companies, SME's may apply for travel grants @ Vinnova for participation in SWII, 2023 conference - Additive Manufacturing & Ligtweight Technologies.

  • Project title should be "SWII 2023 Dübendorf"
  • September 19 is the last day of application for travel grant
  • Swedish R&D performing SME's may apply for maximum 15 000 SEK
  • A grant may cover travel costs, such as tickets and hotel
  • A grant may not cover costs for personal, indirect costs (overhead) or other direct costs

Important! Attach the mandatory "declaration about other de-minimis aid" form upon submission.

Contact person:
Ms. Viktoria Pletikos, Senior Consultant,
Business Sweden Switzerland

Direct phone: +43 660 215 77 10
E-Mail: viktoria.pletikos@business-sweden.se