Upcoming events

March 13, 2025 
Swiss Nordic Bio
Read more here.

September (TBC) 2025,
Innovation Initiative 

More information coming soon.

Thank you for a successful Innovative Smart Materials Networking Conference!

The high-profile one-day conference at Starling Hotel at EPFL in Lausanne, on October 2, gathered 97 participants from over 67 Swiss & Swedish organizations.
  • 150 one-to-one meetings took place during the afternoon of the conference!
  • 24 SMEs & start-ups
  • 15 MNEs such as Atlas Copco, Sandvik Coromant and Materials Technology respecively, Saab, Oerlicon Metco, RUAG Aerostructures, Hublot, Huntsman Advanced Materials, Mathys & SICPA
  • 15 academia & research institute organizations such as ZHAW, EPFL, CSEM, CCMX, EMPA, Chalmers & KTH

To view all participants click here.
You can now download presentations. In the conference agenda you will find the download links. 

Prioritized thematic areas
i. Materials for Health Care Applications
. Eg. 3D printing, plastic & polymer, functional coatings, implants 
ii. Hard and Soft Coatings. Eg. functional surfaces, tribology low friction, corrosion resistant, conductivity thermal, new heat and surfaces treatment methods.
iii. Materials for Light Weight Structures & Engineered Materials. Eg light alloys, composites, bio based materials (wood, pulp based composites, hybrid structures, methods for joining)
iv. New Metallic Materials. Eg. powder metallurgy, ultra high strength steel, boron steel, materials modeling (modeling for materials properties and processing)

The conference also saw the opening of a second EUREKA/Eurostars call for project outlines to finance joint projects. For additional information please see the following link to the Open Call.

Contact person:
Ms. Viktoria Pletikos, Senior Consultant,
Business Sweden Switzerland

Direct phone: +43 660 215 77 10
E-Mail: viktoria.pletikos@business-sweden.se