The Nordic countries in cooperation with Swiss partners organized the 11th Swiss Nordic Bio Seminar on February 8 2017. This exclusive investment and partnering conference gathers biotech and pharmaceutical companies as well as investors, primarily from the Nordic countries and Switzerland.

For more information please visit 

On February 8 2017, around 150 participants gathered for the 11th edition of the Swiss Nordic Bio in Zurich. The day started with a prominent panel discussion of Swiss-Scandinavian financing comparison in the biotech industry followed by 35 SME company presentations and over 300 bilateral meetings.

Digital Health Days 21-22 August 2013

An arena for setting the future healthcare agenda. Two days of inspiring seminars in late August, challenging discussions and hands-on workshops and one-on-one meetings.

WHAT: Digital Health Days is an annual forum focusing on how to implement novel solutions and sustainable business models in the healthcare system, and to start the transformation towards a sustainable, secure and qualitative health ecosystem.

During the conference, Digital Health B2B Meetings was organized on August 21, 1300-1600. During this high level partnering and investor meeting, European companies, investor or care provider got access to pre-booked one-to-one meetings and the opportunity to present themselves in plenum. The goal has been to establish new collaboration partnerships.

8th Swiss-Scandinavian Bio-Business Seminar 2014

The Nordic countries in cooperation with Swiss partners plan the 8th Swiss-Scandinavian Bio-Business Seminar on February 12 2014. This exclusive investment and partnering conference gathers biotech and pharmaceutical companies as well as investors, primarily from the Nordic countries and Switzerland.

For more information on the 8th Swiss-Scandinavian Bio-Business Seminar 2014 visit

On February 12 2013, around 120 participants gathered for the 7th edition of the Swiss-Scandinavian Bio Business Seminar in Zurich. The day started with a prominent panel discussion of Swiss-Scandinavian financing comparison in the botech industry followed by 16 company presentations.

EUREKA Presentation at Swiss Pavillion at MEDICA

Swiss-Swedish Innovation Initiatie (SWII) invites you to a networking aperitif and information session

Information Reception at the Swiss Pavillion (Hall 17, C39) - Medica, November 14, 2012, 18:00 - 20:00

EUREKA Presentation at Sweden Boat at MEDICA

Swiss-Swedish Innovation Initiative (SWII) invites to a presentation about funding opportunities for Swiss-Swedish industrial, close-to-market R&D projects.

In conjunction with Business Sweden’s “Västeuropaseminarium” presenting a panel discussion with hospital purchasers from Sweden, Germany, Netherlands and United Kindom.

November 15 2012 at 18:00, Sweden Boat MEDICA Düsseldorf 

Do you search for funding for your market oriented industrial R&D project? Are you interested in finding an industrial partner in Sweden/Switzerland? 

Upcoming events

March 13, 2025 
Swiss Nordic Bio
Read more here.

September (TBC) 2025,
Innovation Initiative 

More information coming soon.

Contact person:
Ms. Viktoria Pletikos, Senior Consultant,
Business Sweden Switzerland

Direct phone: +43 660 215 77 10