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Program, September 28, 2016

Venue: Semper Aula, Main Building, ETH Zürich, Rämistrasse 101, 8092 Zurich, Switzerland
Moderator: Ms. Catharina Elmsäter-Svärd, Chairwoman Drive Sweden, CEO AB Elmsäters and former Swedish Minister for Infrastructure

    Ambassador Bruno H. Moor, Head of International Cooperation in Research and Innovation Division, Swiss State Secretariat of Education, Research and Innovation (5 min)
H.E. Magnus Hartog-Holm, Ambassador of Sweden to Switzerland & Liechtenstein (5 min)
Swiss-Swedish Innovation Initiative (5 min)
Ms. Maja Zoric, Senior Project Manager, Business Sweden 
EUREKA – Doing Business by Technology (10 min)
Ms. Colette John Grant, Manager of the Swiss Eurostars Program,
Swiss State Secretariat of Education, Research and Innovation 
08:55-09:50 INTRODUCTION
    Managing Automated Transportation with AI, IoT and Complexity Science (15 min)
Prof. Dirk Helbing, ETH Zurich                                                                                                   Synopsis: Automated transportation creates opportunities and challenges for business and researchers alike. Artificial Intelligence is e.g. used to decide about life and death of traffic participants, traffic flows can be managed by Internet of Things technology, maybe even combined with block chain technology. ETH's key note is giving a complexity scientist's view on how to approach these fascinating new topics.
Outlook on Future Transportation Systems - From the Perspective of a Road Authority (15 min)
Ms. Sigrid Pirkelbauer, Head of Traffic & Innovation Management, Federal Roads Office Switzerland Synopsis: Self-driving vehicles can modify the existing transport system radically. In order to exploit the full potential, it is important to connect the vehicles with each other and with the infrastructure as well as to take into account the new possibilities of the digital world.
Self-Driving Vehicles, Challenges and Opportunities (15 min)
Dr. Magnus Hjälmdahl, Researcher, Swedish National Road & Transport Research Institute (VTI) Synopsis: Autonomous and self-driving cars are being researched and even introduced on a broad scale right now. Their introduction is pushed by the rapid technology development but the potential effects on society and the user requirements are still largely unknown.
Reliability Challenges for Automated Vehicles (10 min)
Dr. Klas Brinkfeldt, Project Manager, Swerea IVF AB 
Synopsis: Self-driving vehicles require high reliability. However, many of the electronic components and systems that are implemented in vehicles may not survive the required life times because the tests used to qualify the electronics are not always relevant or capable to detect reliability problems, for example in the solder joints. A new “physics-of-failure” approach to assess the reliability of electronics is required.
   Challenges for Unmanned Flights in Controlled Airspace (15 min)
Mr. Gunnar Frisk, Director Business Development RPAS/UAS, SAAB AB
Synopsis: While “drones” have been used in military aviation for long, self-driving cars and unmanned air transport is a few years away, or? Clearly, the future of aviation is a mix of manned and unmanned/remotely piloted aircraft (RPAS). A key challenge is to ensure safety with a mix of manned aircraft, RPAS and “hobby drones” in the airspace. Saab is a leader of the work in Europe developing technologies and standards for safe integration of RPAS in Controlled Airspace, e.g. Automatic Detect & Collision Avoidance Systems. 
5G Based Smart Transportation (15 min)
Mr. Andrea Petti, Head of Business Line ITS, Ericsson AB
Synopsis:5G Applied to Smart Transportation, Ericsson ITS Engagements, 5G Network Slicing for C-ITS
New Digital Car Sharing Solutions in Densely Populated Areas (15 min)
Mr. Martin Rosenqvist, Director New Technology & Services, Volvo Car Corporation  
Synopsis: Volvo is collaborating with partners on new full-service mobility solutions for densely populated areas. The purpose is to radically simplify access to a range of premium cars through the usage of digital keys. 
   Design for Saftey in Railway Traction Applications by Usage of Data Analytics (15 min)
Dr. Pavlin Sabev, Head of Centre of Competence Traction Dynamics, Control Department, Bombardier Transportation Switzerland AG
Synopsis: Big data for traction applications results from diagnostics data, collected from operating trains worldwide. Mining the data, extracting patterns and other big data analytics allows pre-emptive maintenance and early detection of possible failures which enhances safety and lifetime of the equipment. In addition, the monitoring and logging of process data and measurements allows for further insight to enhance performance and efficiency of products.

Enablers for a Digitized Society (15 min)
Dr. Rico Schwendener, Head of End-to-End Connectivity, Swisscom
Synopsis: The amount of devices connected to the Internet will tremendously grow in the coming years. This has also substantial impact on networks and infrastructure. With the introduction of 5G, the capabilities of the mobile network will be sustainable extended towards Internet of Things, enabling a plethora of new applications in transportation and many other industries. 

The Future Automatic, Top Comfort, High Density Train (15min)
Dr. Urs Bikle, Head of Engineering, Stadler Bussnang AG
Synopsis: Stadler Rail is the trend setter for trains with easy access to all passengers, top performance and top comfort. Future trends focus on a rapidly increasing automation, increasing use of data to ensure perfect passenger guidance as well as top availability and reliability performance, very high comfort requirements and last, but not least on high energy efficiency as a further differentiator of rail traffic.
  SmartShuttle Sion: Public Transport Reinvented (15min)
Ms. Martina Müggler, Head Mobility Development, PostAuto Mobilitätslösungen AG
Synopsis: Since 23 June 2016, the official testing of self-driving vehicles has been under way in Sion. The authorities have granted approval for the pilot project in a specified area of the city. Self-driving buses carrying passengers on the roads in public areas are a first in Switzerland. PostAuto and its partners intend to use this project to find out if the service of autonomous shuttles in the public sphere is technically and operationally feasible and if it offers an added value to the customers.
Be Prepared or be Disrupted: How Self-driving Cars Impact Integrated Railway Companies (15 min)
Ms. Karin Tausz, Head of Program for Autonomous Vehicles, SBB AG
Synopsis: Autonomous Vehicles are game changers. The potential impact may not only influence passenger transportation, but also freight transporationt, planned infrastructure investments and property development. Being successful in shaping the mobility of the future critically depends on joint fine tuning of set-up. SBB has adopted an integrated approach on a strategic level as well as in a portfolio of projects to achieve readiness for social and technological change in the context of autonomous vehicles.
Developing Shared Mobility - Only Together Works! (7 min)
Mr. Marcel Kroeze, Head of Value Creation and Ventures & Managing Director, Nobina Technology AB  
Synopsis:The future of shared mobility will most likely consists of a number "puzzle bits" like Mobility as Service, personal digital travel assistants, data-analysis-based-services and self-driving connected vehicles. As part of the largest bus operator in the Nordics, Nobina Technology is exploring and developing this future together with partners in several pilots. The ultimate goal is create personalized access to smart mobility.
12:30-13:30 NETWORKING LUNCH (Foyer)
    Wallenberg Autonomous Systems Program (WASP) (15 min) 
Professor Lars Nielsen, Program Director, WASP
Synopsis: Wallenberg Autonomous Systems Program (WASP) is Sweden’s largest ever individual research program, and provides a platform for academic research and education, fostering interaction with Sweden’s leading technology companies. The program addresses research on autonomous systems acting in collaboration with humans, adapting to their environment through sensors, information and knowledge, and forming intelligent systems-of-systems. Software is the main enabler in autonomous systems, and is an integrated research theme of the program.
Internet of Things Technology in Smart Transportation (10 min)
Dr. Jakob Axelsson, Director of Software and Systems Engineering Laboratory at Swedish Institute of Computer Science (SICS) and Professor of Computer Science at Mälardalen University 
Synopsis: Swedish Institute of Computer Science (SICS) is the leading Swedish research institute when it comes to digitization. In transportations, focus is on applying Internet of Things (IoT) technologies to build system-of-systems of vehicles, leveraging on data analytics and cloud computing to provide partial or full automation. Key research topics include IoT technologies, system architecture, business models and ecosystems, safety and security, and life cycle management.
Towards Vehicle Automation in the Framework of Smart Cities (10 min)
Dr. Simone Amorosi, Deputy Director, Transportation Center, EPFL
Synopsis: EPFL works, on the one hand, at predicting mobility behaviors and future user needs combining sociological and mathematical methodologies. On the second hand, EPFL’s research efforts focus on sensing technologies and big data sets to enable vehicle automation with the final goal of offering personalized smart transportation solutions.
Mobility Solutions: Simple Evolution vs. Disruptive Innovation (10 min)
Dr. Monica Menendez, Director of Research Group Traffic Engineering ETH Zurich
Synopsis: New technologies and information sources might change the mobility paradigm. To adress these changes from a scientific yet pragmatic perspective, it is important for the academia to establish close collaborations with both traditional industry players and those developing disruptive technologies. 
  Veridict AB (Mr. Alexander Seward, CEO) View Presentation
Fastree 3D SA (Mr. Claude Florin, Managing Director) View Presentation
ACTIA Nordic AB (Mr. Christian Sahlén, VP and Managing Director) View Presentation
Embotech GmbH (Mr. Alexander Domahidi, CTO & Co-Founder) View Presentation
SkyCab AB (Mr. Åke Åredal, President and CEO) View Presentation
Rüger SA (Mr. Bert Willing, CTO) View Presentation
Modelon AB (Mr. Michael Sielemann, Technical Director) View Presentation
Orbiwise SA (Mr. Didier Hélal, Co-Founder & Business Developer) 
CargoSpace24 AB (Mr. Thomas Johansson, Business Developer) View Presentation
BestMile (Ms. Anne Mellano Koymans, Chief Scientific Officer & Co-Founder) View Presentation
Algoryx Simulation AB (Mr. Kenneth Bodin, CEO) 
AGU Zürich (Mr. Kai-Uwe Schmitt, CTO) View Presentation
Smart Eye AB (Mr. Per Sörner, Research Manager) View Presentation
iniVation AG (Mr. Simeon Bamford, CTO) View Presentation
15:20-15:30 Pre-Meeting Preparations


Room HG F 33.4: Table 1-6
Room HG F 33.5: Table 7-20
18:30-20:30 AFTER CONFERENCE NETWORKING (James Joyce Bar, Pelikanstrasse 8)
 ____________ Networking, drinks and fingerfood

Contact person:
Ms. Viktoria Pletikos, Senior Consultant,
Business Sweden Switzerland

Direct phone: +43 660 215 77 10
E-Mail: viktoria.pletikos@business-sweden.se