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Innovative Software Networking Conference 2013

Thank you for a successful Innovative Software Networking Conference! The high-profile one day conference in Winterthur gathered 84 participants from over 50 Swiss & Swedish organizations. In total, 135 one-to-one meetings were carried out during the afternoon of the conference!

• 90 participants from organizations such as ABB, Ericsson, Kudelski Group, Saab, RUAG, IBM, Ascom, ETH & Chalmers
→ 25 SMEs & start ups
→ 9 MNEs
→ 17 academic & research institute organization

To view all participants click here.

• 135 onsite one-to-one meetings

• 28 Swiss-Swedish R&D research project applications submitted for EUREKA and Eurostars funding in April 2013, a 600 percent increase over 2012

You can now download the presentations. In the agenda you find the download links.

What some of the participants said:

The SWII conference provided a great opportunity to meet with Swiss and Swedish companies to explore research collaboration. The event was very well organized and structured around the main purpose of networking. Building constructive research collaborations between Switzerland and Sweden as well as between academia and industry is of critical importance for the future competitiveness of these countries that are quite similar in terms of being high-competence, but also high cost regions. As a direct result of the conference, we are now exploring collaboration projects and would love to get in touch with more Swiss partners interested in addressing issues around large scale software development for software-intensive systems. 
Professor Jan Bosch, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg

ISNC was an excellent opportunity for us to increase our visibility and to meet interesting new partners. During the day we made contact with five highly relevant companies in Sweden and Switzerland, that may lead to several new collaborations. For a small company like Percepio, events like this can be very important as we are still relatively unknown. Increasing our visibility and the knowledge of our world-leading technology is fundamental for our success and the contacts made during ISNC will probably strengthen us significantly. 
Johan Kraft, CEO, Percepio

I think the conference did a good job in creating a network of contacts between Swiss and Swedish companies and universities. All the people I met were very open to discussion and extremely friendly. I will just say this: I had only one meeting scheduled before the conference and I ended up having seven meetings altogether.The initiative of cooperation is certainly a valuable effort and we are looking forward to participating! 
Dr. Marco Piccioni, ETH Zürich

For us as an SME, the Innovative Software Networking Conference is a candy store. The platform has been of great help for to find partners, for development of new products and from which we can acquire complementing knowledge as well as market opportunities. 
Fabian Wenger, Signal Processing Program Manager, Qamcom Research & Technology AB

Information about the Swiss-Swedish Innovation Initiative:
Business Sweden in Switzerland 
Ms. Maja Zoric, Consultant 
Splügenstrasse 12, CH-8002 Zurich

Direct phone: +43 1 402 35 15 23
Cell: +43 664 235 15 23 
E-Mail: maja.zoric@business-sweden.se    


Contact person:
Ms. Viktoria Pletikos, Senior Consultant,
Business Sweden Switzerland

Direct phone: +43 660 215 77 10
E-Mail: viktoria.pletikos@business-sweden.se