Upcoming events

March 13, 2025 
Swiss Nordic Bio
Read more here.

September (TBC) 2025,
Innovation Initiative 

More information coming soon.

IMNC - Venue & Accomodation

Hotel accommodation

IMNC partner, EMPA Academy, suggests the following hotel accomodation close to the conference venue, as well in Zürich proper, see this link. To get the conference rate, please make sure to use the booking code EMPA Academy for the reservation.

Conference venue: the EMPA Academy in Dübendorf

How to get there

Shuttle busses

There will be a shuttle bus between Dübendorf station and EMPA; the shuttle bus leaves every 15 minutes between 7:45 and 8:15; a person holding an EMPA Innovative Manufacturing Conference sign will stand in front of the bus.

Private and Public Transportation

The venue is easily reached by public transport or car and is a 12 minute walk, or a short bus ride (No. 760 in the direction of Stettbach railway station, to the stop "EMPA"), away from the Dübendorf railway station. From the Zurich airport (Kloten), the VBG tram No. 12 takes 22 min to stop Giessen.

Überlandstrasse 129
CH-8600 Dübendorf
(Address for GPS/Sat nav: Eduard-Amstutz-Strasse, CH-8600 Dübendorf)

Contact person:
Ms. Viktoria Pletikos, Senior Consultant,
Business Sweden Switzerland

Direct phone: +43 660 215 77 10
E-Mail: viktoria.pletikos@business-sweden.se