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Thank you for a successful Smart Products for Automated Transportation Networking Conference!

The Smart Products Networking Conference gathered 100 participants from Switzerland & Sweden & was held on September 28, 2016 at ETH Zürich.
  • 115 one-to-one meetings took place during the afternoon of the conference!
  • 27 SMEs & start-ups among participants
  • 20 MNEs such as Bombardier, Stadler, Swisscom, Ericsson, Volvo Cars, Nobina, Postauto, Swiss Railways (SBB), Siemens
  • Academia & research institute key notes from among others SICS, Mälardalen University, EPFL & ETH Zürich

Following sub topics within Smart Products for Automated Transportation were prioritized:

1.      Tools for Smart Products 
- Sensors and Communication Technologies incl. 5G, RFID and Emergency/Distress Communication, Data Management incl. Big Data and Simulation, Quality and Security & Standards

2.      Smart Solutions for Automated Transportation
- Tools for Management of Complex Systems, Tools for Multi Modal Transportation, Autonomous Systems for Smart Cities incl. Energy Efficiency, Quality and Security and Standards

WHENSeptember 28, 2016 

WHERESemper Aula, ETH Zurich Main Building, Zurich  


Hosting partner

Organized in collaboration with

Contact person:
Ms. Viktoria Pletikos, Senior Consultant,
Business Sweden Switzerland

Direct phone: +43 660 215 77 10
E-Mail: viktoria.pletikos@business-sweden.se