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Thank you for a successful Innovative Smart Factory Networking Conference!

This high-profile one-day SWII conference at ABB Corporate R&D Center in Baden-Dättwil, on September 23, gathered more than 90 participants from over 67 Swiss & Swedish organizations.
  • 112 one-to-one meetings took place during the afternoon of the conference!
  • 20 SMEs & start-ups
  • 11 MNEs such as ABB, Siemens, Hexagon, Sandvik Coromant, Oerlicon Metco, Saab.
  • 15 academia & research institute organizations such as ZHAW, EPFL, CSEM, CCMX, EMPA, Chalmers & KTH

To view all participants click here. You can soon download presentations. In the conference agenda you will find the download links. 

Prioritized thematic areas where:
i. Digital & Real Factories
    a) Modelling, simulation & visualization of manufacturing processes (engineering, operations, maintenance) 
    b) Modelling, simulation & visualization of manufacturing factories
        (Production flow, information flow, people, business models) 
    c) Knowledge systems supporting decision making. 
ii. Transparent Communication
    a) Operator Devices, Sensors, Tags and Codes, 5G, ERP 
    b) Vertical Integration of Business Systems with Shop Floor Systems 
    c) Horizontal Integration of Supply Chains. iii. Agile Energy System (Smart Grids, Energy etc.). 
iv. People in Manufacturing
    a) ICT Support in New Organizational Models 
    b) ICT for Skill Development & Decision Support.
v. Solutions for Flexible Distributed Production 
    a) Autonomous Automation that can adapt to products and people 
    b) Automation, Flexible Monitoring. 

The conference also saw the opening of the fifth EUREKA/Eurostars call for project outlines to finance joint projects. For additional information please see the following link to the Open Call.

What some of the participants said:

I see SWII as an excellent and superbly managed matchmaker for advanced industry and academia in Sweden and Switzerland. The scope and quality of presentations were impressive. Combined with the brokerage sessions, excellent opportunities for collaboration emerged. I am sure many will take the opportunities presented.” On the question would you participate again: “Absolutely, this is a high-quality event with a successful format, which does the job of linking Sweden and Switzerland very well.
Dr. Johan Stahre, Professor, Head of the Production Systems Division at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg and Chairman of the Swedish Production Academy

SWII is an important platform to gather large industry and SME’s with smart solutions in advanced manufacturing. Teknikföretagen is one of the supporters because we believe collaboration with Switzerland is beneficial for industry, SME’s, research and industry associations.
Cecilia Warrol, Director, Manufacturing and Advanced Production, Teknikföretagen, (Swedish Association of Engineering Industry)

I appreciated the format with a great mix of presentation and 1-2-1 meetings. The meeting booking tool was good. 1 full day was long enough to meet most people. Yes, we would most likely participate next year. This year edition was valuable to better understand challenges of Industry 4.0, meet both large companies and startups.
Frederic Laziou, VP Corporate Development & Strategy, Tacton Systems AB

SWII is a great venue to meet companies and individuals from innovative companies that have the ambition and possibility of cooperating with SMEs in order to bring promising product and services to the market. I would highly recommend it to any SME who are looking for potential customers and/or R&D partners within the domain SWII is promoting. We would definitely participate again given that the domain of the conference is a good match for us.
Viktor Börjesson, CEO, RevibeEnergy

I'm definitely positive to SWII as a R&D platform since through Eureka program there is concrete instruments to financially support R&D collaboration between different partners. I am personally interested in more development collaborations then research at the moment. This could stimulate SMEs and large enterprises collaboration.
Vahid Kalhori, Manager R&D Intelligent Machining, AB Sandvik Coromant

SWII is a very good R&D platform. I like that also the SME makes short presentations. The concept with presentations first and time for separate discussions afterwards are very good.
Jens Schönenberg, Director, Head of Airframe Development, Saab AB

SWII is a good initiative, very well thought. All the stakeholders are represented (large companies, SMEs, academia, research center, funding agency) It is therefore a unique platform to get different perspectives and contacts. In my opinion it make the practical aspects in the process of defining research endeavors much simpler. E.g. formulate the basic idea from specific requirements, finding partners, finding the right call etc…” “I appreciated the meeting very much. It was interesting to hear the company presentations. I also liked idea giving the SME-companies time to  inform about their companies and products. I intend to visit the SWII next year. Thank you for a good and interesting Conference.
Bertil Franzén, Head Technical Discipline, Production Systems, Saab AB

Yes, I would participate again because I got good contacts during the one to one sessions and research ideas during the presentations. Plus I believe that Sweden and Switzerland have complementary capabilities, so synergies are easier. With relation to manufacturing Sweden is strong from design side while Switzerland is world leader in development. Research capabilities and supporting systems are similar so cooperation is not difficult.
Dr. Antonio Maffei, Production Engineering, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm

Contact person:
Ms. Viktoria Pletikos, Senior Consultant,
Business Sweden Switzerland

Direct phone: +43 660 215 77 10
E-Mail: viktoria.pletikos@business-sweden.se